How did Graceham Moravian Church come to be?
Graceham Moravian Church is a growing fellowship of people who are enriching their lives and their families through a relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church, The members of the Graceham family work hard at being a friendly church, expressing the love of Christ to visitors as well a supporting those who are a part of our fellowship. Together we are experiencing and expressing our Christian faith through worship, study, service, witness, and fellowship.
Moravians first entered the Graceham area in the 1740’s. Local Luthern residents had initially issued an invitation to the Moravians upon the death of their pastor to send a teacher and spiritual leader into the area. Moravians soon settled in the area and established their own identity, erecting the first building on the present site in 1749, and officially organizing as a congregation in 1758. A meeting hall was constructed in 1773. In 1797 the present Christian Education building was constructed out of brick, and the former two log buildings were replaced. In 1822 the need for additional space led to the construction of the current sanctuary. Graceham is the tenth oldest American congregation in the Moravian Church.
The Graceham congregation has a rich history and is proud of its heritage in Frederick County. But even more important is our present and future commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ in the community and larger world, reaching out in love to all of God’s people. We continue to cling to a hope expressed by Bishop Dewatteville when the congregation of the Monocacy was renamed “that this might truly be a hamlet in which the Grace of God abounds”
We believe our purpose as Christ’s Church is to reach out to those in our community with love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We invite you and your family to worship and fellowship with us. There is a place for you within our Graceham Church family.